Traveling theatrical performance for 25 spectators at a time
Result of the RECREATIONS laboratory

4,5,6 Maggio 2018
repliche alle ore 19:30, 20:30, 21:30

SCRITTO E DIRETTO DA: Michele Di Giacomo

Con gli studenti del Laboratorio KURA del Liceo Linguistico “Ilaria Alpi” di Cesena Emiliy Amadori, Luca Beltrambini, Marco Bertani, Mila Cappelli, Carmen Diop, Ylenia Donati, Luna Evangelisti, Giulia Mariani, Jasmine Lassoued, Mattia Pasini, Gabriele Rocchi, Alice Saccomandi

MUSICISTA: Cecilia Biondini (violoncello)

VASAIA: Paola Farneti




PRODUZIONE: Alchemico Tre

Partner del Progetto: Delegazione FAI Cesena, Officina Vasi, Aquilone di Iqbal, Pro Natura, Ass. Crescendo in musica.
Progetto sostenuto da: Progetto Giovani di Cesena, Romagna Iniziative e Associazione Giovani Credito Cooperativo Romagnolo.

What does the word “cure” mean in our lives and in our society?
What or who do we “care” for? How do we take care of ourselves?

KURA is a project conceived and directed by Michele Di Giacomo in collaboration with the Youth Project of the Municipality of Cesena and supported by Romagna Iniziative and Credito Cooperativo Romagnolo, which involved 15 students from the “Ilaria Alpi Linguistic High School” of Cesena in a workshop of meetings, reflections, theater and creation around the theme of care. The project started with some questions: What does the word “cure” mean in our lives and in our society? What does “take care” mean? What or who do we “care” for? Can we think we exist in the absence of cure? The responses were the subject of 20 meetings that began in December 2017, for a total of 52 hours of work carried out between the premises of the Institute and municipal spaces. The project saw the collaboration of associations that provided the children with stimuli and skills. The meetings with associations were sometimes practical, other theoretical and took place with: – FAI (care for the environment and heritage): what FAI is and what it does. And historical-artistic explanation on the Palazzo del Capitano. -The Officina Vasi association (care as well as attention to detail and small things): practical workshop for the construction of a terracotta vase. -The Crescendo in Musica association (curated as a choir). Choral singing lesson. The meetings gave rise to reflections that led to the creation of a theatrical script made up of personal ideas, proposals, themes. The script was presented in an itinerant theatrical performance, which was open to the public on May 4.5-6 in the Palazzo del Capitano, the heart of the city of Cesena.

About the Show

The Latin writer Igino writes in his Liber Fabularum:

“At the dawn of the world, Cura, walking through uninhabited lands, arrived on the bank of a river and, seeing mud, began to shape it. Jupiter approached and Cura asked him to give what he had done, the spirit of life. Jupiter agreed but wanted to give him a name. Cura objected. Terra then intervened and demanded that her name be imposed on what had been done, because she had given him the body. Saturn intervened, Time who resolved the dispute as follows: “You, Jupiter, who have given the spirit, at the moment of death you will receive the spirit; you, Earth, who gave the body, will receive the body, but since it was Cure that gave shape to the being, as long as it lives, it protects it. And its name will be homo because it was taken from humus.”

The myth tells us that “Care” is what shaped man and what man belongs to throughout his life. Being involved in the “cure” is what characterizes us as human beings and it is therefore part of human nature to live together, to build one’s being in relation to others and to make others a value. Starting from this myth, the KURA performance takes shape. KURA is a journey within us, within man in a universal sense, placed in relation to the theme of Care. Starting from the Roman myth of the Goddess Cura, which tells of the creation of man in a land made of desolation and clay, we will go back to the present day mixing original and autobiographical scenes, with scenes taken from key texts of the world theater, music, images and performance to tell what care is in our lives. The public will be accompanied in the Sozzi Room of the Palazzo del Capitano, in the heart of the city, by the two narrators on a journey in the dark illuminated only by the light of the torches. He will see Antigone and Ismene, Hamlet and Ophelia, he will hear stories about friendship, he will listen to a dialogue between mother and child taken from “The Seagull of Chekhov”, in a unique and private journey made for only 25 spectators at a time, because to listen requires Care.

The Workshop

KURA is a project created by ALCHEMICO TRE in collaboration with the Youth Project of the Municipality of Cesena and supported by Romagna Inizative and the Youth Association of the Cooperative Credit Romagnolo aimed at theatrical training, growth, creativity and theatrical expressiveness of young people in the area , aged 14-19. The project is articulated around the theme of CARE and starts from the Roman myth of the Goddess Cura, whose figure was handed down by the Latin writer Igino in his Liber Fabularum:

“At the dawn of the world, Cura, walking through uninhabited lands, arrived on the bank of a river and, seeing mud, began to shape it. Jupiter approached and Cura asked him to give what he had done, the spirit of life. Jupiter agreed but wanted to give him a name. Cura objected. Terra then intervened and demanded that her name be imposed on what had been done, because she had given him the body. Saturn intervened, Time who resolved the dispute as follows: “You, Jupiter, who have given the spirit, at the moment of death you will receive the spirit; you, Earth, who gave the body, will receive the body, but since it was Cure that gave shape to the being, as long as it lives, it protects it. And its name will be homo because it was taken from humus.”

The myth tells us that “Care” is what has shaped man and what man belongs to throughout his life. Being involved in the “care” is what characterizes us as human beings and it is therefore part of human nature to live together, to build one’s being in relation to others and to make others a value. Starting from this myth and its meaning, the ALCHEMICO TRE Association will offer 20 students of the Ilaria Alpi State Linguistic High School of Cesena and 5 young people from the city selected through the Cesena Youth Project, an artistic and laboratory path to investigate and understand the different meanings of the word “cure” nowadays. In an individualistic society, where respect for others and the environment, hospitality and empathy are little considered values, we want to ask young people some questions:

-What does the word “cure” mean in our lives and in our society?
-What does “take care” mean? -What or who do we “care” for?
-Can we think of existing in the absence of care, without someone making room for us, noticing us?

From the answers we will build a multidisciplinary path directed by the Cesena actor Michele Di Giacomo which involves the use of theatrical language, the sharing of other experiences through the comparison with the project partners (FAI, OFFICINA VASI, AQUILONE DI IQBAL, PRONATURA, CRESCENDO IN MUSIC) and the creation of artistic material. The project will be divided into two phases: a workshop and a performative one.

Goals and opportunities

The project revolves around the word “care” and intends to offer the young people involved the opportunity to reflect on the importance of “taking care” today starting from the relationship with the other. How does the cure take shape? With the Theater. Through theatrical exercises we will give young people the opportunity to enter into relationships with others by soliciting and moving their abilities to act, think and create. Students will learn to tell their own story, get to know their body, explore its potential and give space to the imagination. Theatrical practice becomes an instrument of inclusion, cohesion and self-expression.

Another part of the path are the meetings with the partners involved in the project, which will allow students to touch the work carried out by companies in the Cesena area that operate in various areas from the craftsman, to the protection of cultural and environmental assets, from the social, to youth policies. Learning together, discovering, experimenting, overcoming difficulties, will lead the students to measure themselves with themselves and with others, in search of common forms and meanings to share with citizens during the final performance. The culmination of the path is in fact the construction of a show, which will give students the opportunity to immerse themselves in a creative process that makes them protagonists of all phases as actors, playwrights, directors.

The objectives of the KURA project can be summarized as follows:
– To make young people aware of the importance of “taking care” in our society through exploration, observation, comparison and discovery of the other;
– Stimulate and enhance the creativity of young people through theatrical expressiveness, craftsmanship, music, writing, storytelling.
– Activate transversal skills in children: collaborate, plan, research, share.
